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weRow.com - Connecting Rowers | Rudern in Europa
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Rowing in Europe

Rowing Clubs Database:

weRow.com Guide:

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Rowing Clubs Database Search by City Search by Zip Code
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(* = Office city of Rowing Association)

Club data is provided and maintained by weRow.com members. Missing information can be revised online.
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Matching clubs
Canottieri Cannero Sportiva
Via Panoramica 7 - 28051 Cannero Riviera ?
F.I.C. Comitato Regionale Piemonte
- F.I.C. Piemonte ?
Canottieri Omegna
Lungolago Buozzi 2 - 28026 Omegna ?
Circolo Amici del Fiume
C.so Moncalieri 18 - 10131 Torino ?
Società Canottieri Caprera
C.so Moncalieri 22 - 10131 Torino ?
Società Canottieri Cera
Parco del Valentino Viale Virgilio 61 - 10126 Torino ?
Società Canottieri Pallanza
Casella Postale 18 - 28922 Verbania Pallanza ?
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Safety first
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weRow.com Tools
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  Rudern. Was sonst?